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Klaipėdos koncertų salės Dovanų čekis

Dovanų čekis, Vilnius
10.00 - 40.00

“Polish Geniuses“

Kremerata Baltica
Artistic Director Gidon Kremer
Lucas Debargue (piano, France)

Programme: Krzysztof Penderecki, Milosz Magin, Mieczyslaw Weinberg



As spring approaches, birds are leaving their winter homes and travelling back to Lithuania, while the Kremerata Baltica orchestra is to make its annual return to the Klaipėda Concert Hall, under the artistic leadership of its founder, violin virtuoso Gidon Kremer. The chamber orchestra, made up of the best string players from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and supported by the ministries of culture of all three countries, is the true culture ambassador of the entire Baltic region. Essential to the Baltica’s artistic personality and high repute are ideals of artistic excellence and adventure, which have largely drawn on an innovative approach to programming by its artistic leader.

This time the Kremerata Baltica comes to Klaipėda together with the French pianist, Lucas Debargue. His rise to international stardom came after his appearance in the final round of the 2015 Tchaikovsky Piano Competition where he was the only musician across all categories who was awarded with the coveted Moscow Music Critic’s Prize as a pianist whose “incredible gift, artistic vision, and creative freedom have impressed the critics as well as the audience”. Following this breakthrough, Lucas was invited to play solo and with leading orchestras in the most prestigious venues.

The programme, entitled “Polish Musical Geniuses,” will feature works by composers from our neighbouring country. These include one the best known modern Polish composers, Krzysztof Penderecki, and the still largely undiscovered genius of 20th-century Polish-Jewish composer Mieczysław Weinberg. Last year was the centenary year of Weinberg’s birth, so Kremerata Baltica has frequently performed his works in concerts and sought to reveal the power of his serious works.

As a matter of fact, the recording of Weinberg’s Second Symphony in the performance of the orchestra under the baton of Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla was released by Deutsche Grammophon last year and nominated for Grammy Awards.


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Klaipėdos koncertų salės Dovanų čekis Dovanų čekis, Vilnius 10.00 - 40.00
Event Klaipėdos koncertų salės Dovanų čekis
Venue Dovanų čekis, Vilnius
Price 10.00 - 40.00
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Dovanų čekis
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Venue Dovanų čekis, Vilnius
Price 10.00 - 40.00
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