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Dainų diena ''Kad giria žaliuotų''

Sa 06/07/2024 20:30
Vilniaus Vingio parkas, Vilnius

Song Day “May the Green Forest Grow”

The finale of the Song Celebration week is the Song Day. On this day, crowds of people are going to the Vingis Park through all known entries; they gather here to have the experience vivid for the rest of their lives: 12,000 performers will sing about a century of life on the park stage, built specifically for the Song Day.

The Song Day “May the Green Forest Grow” will conclude the week of the anniversary Song Celebration. A century is both a period of time, and a continuous song: its words ­are the history of our states and our culture, brightly shining in the tradition of the Song Celebration of one hundred years. Song is the core and an irreplaceable word of this tradition, which is the focus of the creators of the Song Day, who have constructed the program out of the most significant and the most melodious pieces that witness the change of time and the path of the singing culture, as well as give meaning to us – a singing, creative nation, corresponding to the same words of the song with different voices.

At the anniversary Song Day, the song will unfold not only through the voices of the participants and the audience. The song will become the storyteller, the listener and the interlocutor, it will be thinking, talking, feeling nervous, it will be preparing and listening to us – speaking and going silent in unity. The voice of the song and our words about it, our silence and the song lyrics about us – it will all become one in the Song Day of 2024, as the green lush forest unites the ground and the sky.

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Event Date / Time Venue  
Dainų diena ''Kad giria žaliuotų'' Sa 06/07/2024 20:30 Vilniaus Vingio parkas, Vilnius
Event Dainų diena ''Kad giria žaliuotų''
Date / Time Sa 06/07/2024 20:30
Venue Vilniaus Vingio parkas, Vilnius
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Pirkimo metu galite įsigyti 2 bilietai už 10 eur.

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Vilniaus Vingio parkas
M. K. Čiurlionio g. 100 Vilnius Lithuania
Lietuvos nacionalinis kultūros centras
B. Radvilaitės g. 8 Vilnius
lnkc@lnkc.lt/ 8 5 2611190
Reg. no: 190758519
Event Dainų diena ''Kad giria žaliuotų''
Date / Time Sa 06/07/2024 20:30
Venue Vilniaus Vingio parkas, Vilnius
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